Suspenders, death by misadventure and unorthodox embalming techniques feature in this zany, quickfire comedy.
"Judging from the reaction of the sold-out opening night crowd, who laughed from the first line to the last, Phillips has nothing to fear." New Zealand Herald.
"...Farce in the very best traditions of Carry On, ample flesh on view, saucy seaside postcard humour" Theatre showcase review London.
"It was a win-win situation all round – audiences loved it and Theatre Whakatane is thrilled with the overwhelming success of its recent production, Stiff.
Ticket sales to the show were beyond expectations, with more than 1600 seats booked over the week-long season that wrapped up last weekend." Whakatane newspaper.
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Plot / Synopsis
Angel Delight, the illegitimate daughter of a funeral parlour director, inherits the business when her father dies. Before she can sell the business and the land (which is much more valuable) she has to continue to run the business as a funeral parlour for a further five years. Unfortunately she knows nothing about the funeral business but a lot about prostitution.
Angel and her team of 'girls' (including an obsessive compulsive transvestite named Delilah) run an undercover massage parlour in the funeral home keeping up appearances despite the prying of a disgruntled former employee who felt he should have inherited the business.
Apart from the final scene, all the action takes place in a funeral parlour. There is a slightly raised landing upstage with a coffin in the centre on a table and the main entrance upstage left.
Downstage left there is another door to a chapel (later to become the dominatrix room) and down right is the door leading to the rest of the building including the kitchen, toilet, crematorium, etc. There is a large table on stage, a telephone table with a telephone, vases of flowers, and perhaps an organ or stereo.
Cast of five women, 2 or 3 men and one stiff.
Angel Delight A prostitute (Caucasian)
Robert Swipe A funeral director of 25 years experience
Delilah An obsessive compulsive cleaning transvestite aged 40+
Roxanne Paine A dominatrix
Sherry A prostitute, quietly spoken, totally dizzy, not too bright
Mrs Beaton A widow with an attitude
Lawyer } Could be played
Judge Beaton } by the same (large) actor