Georgy Girl the Seekers Musical

Georgy Girl the Seekers Musical will be available for the first time to community theatres in Australia and New Zealand in 2025.
Written by the Patrick Edgeworth, the musical traces the remarkable story of how the Seekers went from an inner-city coffee lounge to the concert stages of the world,  rivalling The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.

First staged professionally in 2015 to popular acclaim, it includes the hit songs "I'll Never Find Another You'', "The Carnival is over", "I am Australian" and of course "Georgy Girl".

Speaking on behalf of the band Keith Potger said: "It's a great honour to know that the Seekers' story can be given this extra chance to be told."
The Producer of the musical Richard East said: “after a successful first commercial run we are now very happy to see the show performed in all corners of Australia and New Zealand finding a new audience for the Seekers wonderful story and songs.”

"This is the band that kept the Rolling Stones from number One. They had a number one in America and were Australia’s first pop music superstars.”

The original production opened in Melbourne in 2015 with all four Seekers on stage for the bows, further seasons follo wed in Sydney and Perth.At the time the Herald-Sun wrote that “this nostalgic production about The Seekers’ thrillingly rapid rise to international fame will have you singing along with every tune.”
Georgy Girl the Seekers musical is proudly represented by David Spicer Productions, which has been licencing musicals and plays for over 25 years including The Boy From Oz, We Will Rock You and the play Mother and Son.

“My company loves representing great Australian stories,” said CEO David Spicer.

“I met the writer Patrick Edgeworth last year just months before he passed away and he keen to add some extra comedy to the script which has been incorporated into the musical."

The first act of the script can be read at this link:

“I am calling for expressions of interest from community theatres to stage the musical in 2025 and beyond.”

The musical is dedicated to the memory both of lead singer Judith Durham who passed away in 2022 and the playwright.