David Spicer Song Collection

Introducing the David Spicer song collection available for purchase on Home Grown.  Sheet music for 31 solos, duets and chorus numbers selected because they are attractive songs that work for recitals and concerts. Listen to recordings and buy sheet music.  Click HERE.

Tenterfield Saddler
(The Boy From Oz)

I Am Australian
(Georgy Girl The Seekers Musical Arrangement)

Georgy Girl 

(Georgy Girl The Seekers Musical Arrangement)

Tomorrow Becomes Today
(Ladies in the Black the Musical)

Here to be the Best
(Melba the Musical)


(Margaret Fulton The Musical)

The Book
(Margaret Fulton The Musical)

Trust In Your Heart

Perfect Stranger 

For Better or Worse 


Boys were made to love and kiss
(Crazy Rock n Roll)

Oh Who Would Be a Puddin'?
(Magic Pudding the Musical)

Light on the Hill
(Keating the Musical) 

Saturday Girl

(Lola Montez)

White Dove

No Way Back

The Hope of Australia 

Out Damn Spot

(Boy's Own McBeth)

Here Begins Our Story/The Banksia Men
(Snugglepot and Cuddlepie the Musical)

I was made for champagne
( Legs Diamond )

To the Ends of the earth

(Beach Blanket Tempest)

My Guy is King
(Beach Blanket Tempest)

Terribly Terribly Me
(The Emperor’s New Clothes)

All the Colours of the rainbow
(The Emperor's New Clothes)


(Shane Warne the Musical)