Based on the beloved children's books Princess K.I.M. and The Lie That Grew and Princess Kim and Too Much Truth Written & Illustrated by Maryann Cocca-Leffler
Princess K.I.M. The Musical is a touching, upbeat and humorous play about a little girl named Kim, who along with her geeky Dad, move to a new town. Kim, who has lost her mother and now struggles to find her way without her, desperately wants her new classmates to like her, so she tells a teeny tiny lie…she says that her name is really “K.I.M.”—"Katherine Isabella Marguerite"—and that she is a Princess. At first, Kim relishes in the Royal attention, but when her lie grows and GROWS, her life gets very complicated, especially when her theatrical Grandmother comes to visit and is mistaken for the Queen! When the truth is revealed, the kids reject Kim for her deceit. Kim then thinks that telling only the truth will reverse her mistake. Kim's comical but brutal truths only alienate everyone further. With the help of many, including her exuberant grandmother, who the classmates grow to admire, her wise father and her mother’s wisdom, written in a journal during her illness, Kim finds the courage to drop her ‘Royal ruse’ and simply be her charming self.
Delightful music, true-to-life dialog and a tender expression of love, strength and acceptance will touch your heart and have you singing along. The underlying thread of the classroom’s Poetry Performance ties the play’s elements together for a moving and electrifying finale, where Kim finds her YOU and an empowered audience is reminded that WE BELONG!
There are two one-act versions of Princess K.I.M. The Musical also available:
Princess K.I.M. The Musical (Junior) - 75 minutes, Based on both Princess KIM books
Princess K.I.M. The Musical (TYA) - 50 minutes, Based on book 1, Princess K.I.M. and the Lie That Grew
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Kim Worthington - (age 10-12) Also known as Princess Katherine Isabella Marguerite Worthington. Only child, called “Princess” by her family. Misses her mom. Imaginative and creative, Wants desperately to fit, but is a bit unsure of herself.
Charles Worthington - (age 40) Kim’s father. A recent widower. A straight laced accountant.
Grandma Betty - (age 70) AKA- Mrs. Elizabeth Turner. Kim’s maternal Grandmother. An over-the-top, former actress, who likes to “play the part” and dresses in “themes”. Has an extensive actor’s wardrobe.
Mrs. Della - (age 30) A kind hearted teacher.
Students: All 10-12 yrs old:
ABBY - A groupie. Very dramatic. Wants to be a star. Easily impressed. Kim is her idol. She is a Princess wanna-be.
Jason - Cool. Unimpressed. Gets it. He knows from day one that Kim is not a real princess. Passionate about baseball. Always wears a baseball hat.
Louis - A nerd who’s into science and outer space. Wants to be an astronaut. Owns a spacesuit.
Violet - Always wears purple/ lavender/ violet. Smart, kind and confident. Kim seeks her advice. Future President. Civic minded.
Kimmy - (Girl with the same name). Bratty, argumentative, loud. Wants the spotlight all the time and tries to be the leader, but in reality, very insecure.
Samantha - Shy. Feels confident when dancing.
Sara - Earthy crunchy artist type. “One with the Universe.” Deep thinker. Environmentalist.
Collin - Musical-Poet. A rapper. Cool. Breaks out in a rap often. Is a hip-hop break-dancer.
Gracie - A confident, upbeat, bright student in a wheelchair. Has wisdom. Baseball catcher. Jason’s friend.
Mrs. Tremonte - (late 20’s) Pregnant teacher, then a visiting teacher with baby. Emotional new mother.
Maggie (Mom) - Kim’s deceased mother.
William - Dependable, studious classmate.
Chorus - Other classmates, bus driver, townspeople, actor & director from “Too Many Tomatoes”
Casting Notes: If possible, a multicultural cast. Gracie is in a wheelchair. At least one student wears glasses. Gender Roles are flexible for Collin & Louis. If needed, they could be Colleen & Louisa. Baseball team name can be replaced with local team.
Setting: School has just begun in a small town.