The comedy, is set in the foyer of a retirement village complex.
he residents are all active middle aged people who enjoy a busy social life. They are planning a concert to raise funds for a week away on a bus trip for some sightseeing and a little gambling at the Casino.
Vanessa Sanders has booked her mother, Silvie, in to the village for three weeks respite. Silvie doesn’t want to be there. She is convinced that her children are trying to get rid of her.
Plot / Synopsis
The play is set in the foyer of a retirement village complex.
The residents are all active middle aged people who enjoy a busy social life. They are planning a concert to raise funds for a week away on a bus trip for some sightseeing and a little gambling at the Casino.
A jumble sale, a raffle as well as the concert, are arranged to raise funds for repairs to the bus.
Three weeks later, the day of the concert, Vanessa returns for her mother. She is amazed at the change in Silvie, and even more concerned about her mothers plans for the future. She want to sell her house and run off with Harry in a motor home!
1. (Overture.) Twilight Time.
Or You Will Never grow Old (Music only)
2. Dearie. (Florence & Gladys.)
or an Elvis Number.
(Eddie, Merv, Violet & Harriet.)
4. Day Trip to
5. These Boots Were made For Walking
or The Old Grey Mare. (Line dance number.)
Act Two.
6. (Overture.) Twilight Time.
Or You Will Never grow Old (Music only)
7. I’m Just Wild about Harry. (Silvie.)
8. The Marrow Song.
Or Yes, We have no Bananas
Harry, Violet and Harriet join in the chorus.)
9. Hawaiian War Chant or Pearly Shells or
Keep Your Eyes on the Hands
And Merv, Or all of them.)
10. You Will Never Grow Old.
(Eddie & Silvie, with audience participation.)
11. Viva
(Finale Full Company.)
N.B. This script is text only. Music is of your own choosing and copyright permission, if applicable, should be sought for any music used in your production. Titles listed here are suggestions only of the type of music suitable.
Three Male Seven Female.
HARRIET……………………Eddie’s wife. Whinger.
MERV…………………………..Vague. Early stages Alzheimer patient.
VIOLET…………………………..Merv’s Wife. Cheerful.
GLADYS……………………………Overbearing. Loud.
FLORENCE……………………….Old fashioned, Prim, Friend of Gladys
HARRY…………………….Larrikin, Coach Driver Mechanic.
SILVIE...................................Unwilling Respite Patient.
VANESSA …………………………Daughter of Silvie. ( Cameo role)