Think, three amigos, hot chilli, salsa, tequila, burritos, enchiladas. Hidden treasure, bad Spanish accents, culture clashes, misunderstandings and much mirth as everyone comes together to have a good time at the Hacienda del Toro.
A few things still need to be attended to, top of the list is the broken window in the kitchen and a slight cockroach infestation... These things can all be attended to .... Manana..
The tourists arrive. The Hacienda staff are learning English and are amazed at the antics of the Gringos....... Macarena, Mexican hat dance, Mexican jumping beans, Mock Bull Fight, Pinnata, Siesta, La Cucaracha, you might find them all here at Hacienda el Toro....
Theatre restaurant is a theatrical medium where the fourth wall is often almost ignored. Audience participation adds to the genre and so long as it is conducted by a competent actor it brings a whole new dimension to a show. Whilst remaining strictly in character at all times, the actors are able to interact with the audience in controlled circumstances with sometimes hilarious results.
Be warned.... anything can happen at.......Hacienda del Toro.
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Cast List:- ( 7 Female 6 Male )
The Mexicans Male.
Pablo........................................ Papa. Owner of Hacienda.
Carlos ...................................... Neighbour / Casual ranch hand
Jose ......................................... Son of Pablo and Rosa.
Manuel ................................... Waiter / Handyman.
The Tourists. Male.
Barry...................................... Australian Amateur Fossicker
Harry ..................................... Rich American Tourist.
The Mexicans Female.
Rosa ........................................ Mama. Wife of Pablo.
Lola ........................................ Daughter of Pablo and Rosa.
Rita ........................................ Cook /Housekeeper.
The Tourists. Female.
Sharon ..................................... Australian, Wife of Barry.
Candy ...................................... American, Wife of Harry
Inspector Farel ....................... American Tourism Officer
Cameo Roles:-
Eric/Erica................................. Railway Surveyor.
Lawyer..................................... Male or Female.
(Cameo roles may be doubled up from the chorus. )
Chorus of Mexican Characters.