" all the sentiment, galvanizing character and sweeping flow of Les Miserables. Eureka is an accomplished and entertaining musical." Bryce Hallett Sydney Morning Herald.
The Eureka Rebellion remains Australia's only organized insurrection. On November 29 1854 0 12,000 people were present when the Southern Cross was unfurled. " We swear by the Southern Cross to stand truly by each other and fight to defed our rights and liberties"
This legendary story has been turned into a sparkling musical with great characters and songs. There's the gold diggers tempted by the devil's mistress gold, the pompous British Governor and his wife ' we represent the empire', the exotic Spamish dancer Mercedes Cortes and the romance and heartbreak of the leaders of the rebellion.
A great story with great music.
Related Shows
The Irish
Peter Lalor a young educated man and engineer by trade
Sean Flynn.his best friend, a poor Irish farmer.
Bridie O'Malley a spirited girl newly arrived from Ireland.
Paddy O'Malley..her grandfather a lovable miner who likes a drink.
Father Smythe...a Catholic Priest.
Anastasia...a miner's wife and mother of eight.
The English
Commissioner Grey...a British officer in charge of the Goldfields.
Alicia Dunn....A Geelong school teacher and Lalor's fiancee.
Sir Charles Hotham....Queen Victoria's representative in the colony.
Lady Jane Hotham....his wife a grand lady and socialite.
Captain Pasley....Commissioner Grey's adjutant.
Mr Dunn...Alicia's father, a respectable gentleman.
James Bentley....the crooked publican of the Eureka hotel.
Other foreigners
Mercedes Cortes....a Spanish dancer who runs the brothel
Long Fu.one of four thousand working on the goldfields.
Frederic Vern....A Prussian miner with a soldier's heart, a friend to Lalor.
Rafaello Carboni...an Italian poet and miner, friend to Lalor.
Original Australian.
Kardinia...who was there before it all started.
Chorus: Guests, suitors, Raoul and band.