“Give a little love, take a little love... be prepared to forsake a little love”.
When four old school friends meet up again after thirty years at a Bay City Rollers tribute concert it soon becomes apparent that you can take a girl from her teens but you can't take the teenager from the girl. Old tunes and old flames die hard and live again in this tale of memories and music.
Interspersed with the crackling, witty, dialogue and some wry, poignant monologues is the sort of handbag dancing not seen since ‘Top Of The Pops’… and a lot of tartan.
Liz, a past TV weather girl has lived an empty life of celebrity whilst the frumpy stay-at-home Karen, has found contentment. Debbie, a rather scatty nurse tells of a chance meeting at a work conference with her dream date: BCR’s drummer, Derek Longmuir, but after all the years that had passed, she found it more pleasant than pulsating. It is however the compelling and heartfelt account of Bev getting ‘that’ letter about her mammogram result that will live long in the audience’s memory.
Laugh, cry and shang-a-lang along with Liz, Karen, Debbie and Bev; and get swept away by this entertaining, touching and revealing drama.
Duration : 55 minutes
NOTE: Currently the script does not specifically state this, but permission is granted by the author to change the location of the play to the locality of the production.
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