DSP News

Millennium Mayhem

 New release for High Schools - Millennium Mayhem.  It’s time to party, because it’s 1999! Jess Lo is hosting the best millennium party ever. Every cool celebrity is invited ...

Motherhood the Musical. The Good, the Bad and the Laundry...

 DSP is excited to announce the release of the rights to Motherhood the Musical. This production has been a hit across the USA and Australia. Read the script and listen to the music here.

Theatre Restaurant and Outrageous Comedy Newsletter.

Read about the success theatres and schools have been having staging plays and musicals suitable for dinner theatre. Includes new releases: Cinderella meets the mother-in-law, Spy Club, Twas the ...

Australia Day Published by DSPress.

 The smash hit comedy currently touring Australia by Hit Productions has been published by DSPress and will be available for performance by amateur theatre companies in the second half the ...

Saturday Night Fever the Musical world community theatre premiere.

Saturday Night Fever has had a superb premiere in Redclffe Brisbane the childhood stomping ground of the Bee Gees. The Redcliffe Musical Theatre Company got a top review from Stage Whispers. Read ...

Popstars! The 90's musical.

Popstars! The 90s musical is the most popular DSP show of 2015. The world premiere will take place on March 31 at the Sacred Heart College Napier in New Zealand. Thanks to the Australian Institute ...

DSP High School News

Read all about some extradordinary High School productions of DSP musicals and plays in 2014 and highlights coming up for 2015 in our annual school e newsletter here.

Mr Bennet's Bride

New Release Play from Emma Wood. Set 25 years before the novel Pride and Prejudice. How did Mr and Mrs Bennet come to meet? This juicy comedy is a sure fire hit. Read a script sample here.

Order Your 2015 Catalogue.

The 2015 Australia New Zealand catalogue of plays and musicals is available now. Full of new releases. Visit this site to order your free copy.

Shane Warne The Musical

Eddie Perfect's wild musical romp through the life and times of the greatest spin bowler in the world Shane Warne. Sample the sensational cast album and read more about it here.